Patricia A. Atkinson
Initial Publication Date: April 19, 2017
Economics Intructor
Mailstop SHL116
1933 Fort Vancouver Way
Vancouver WA 98663
Background Information
I am the lead economics instructor for our department. I teach introductory economics classes as well as principles of micro- and macroeconomics classes. I am in my third year of tenure, and studying for my Ed.D. with a focus on social justice. Specifically, I am interest in the impact of the guided pathways reform model on community college completion rates.Off campus, my husband and I have one of our three children at home. The other two are off at college. On winter weekends, you can usually find us on the ski slopes, or at the park with our two golden retrieves the remainder of the year. Our youngest son enjoys Track and Field, so we've been spending many hour in the bleachers lately.