Steve Abid
Initial Publication Date: April 8, 2017
Economics Professor
143 Bostwick Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone:(616) 234-4411
Background Information
In addition to teaching classes at Grand Rapids Community College, I serve on various committees including the GRCC Foundation Board, the Learning Environments Team and our Faculty Council. As a former Department Head and Associate Dean, I also participate in classroom observations for the our faculty evaluation process, and have been asked to sit on various tenure and rank committees. When not teaching, I enjoy golf, photography, attending high school sporting events - particularly football. My wife and I have 3 children with 6 grandchildren and another on the way - they have been a very pleasant addition to my non-teaching life!Related Pedagogical Projects
I have been working for about 10 years on how classroom design and technology can influence teaching and learning. Over the years, I have moved from a mostly traditional lecture method of teaching to a "collaborative learning" model. I find that the classroom setting and arrangement can facilitate these strategies, and I continue to work toward helping others make use of them, too.