GeoPRISMS full logo in color as a png, transparent background, document.
Originally uploaded in Earth Science Education and Outreach Provider Summit - Old.
Image 32552 is a 135 by 400 pixel WebP
Feb21 12
Last Modified: 2012-02-21 12:03:27
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/32552/geoprisms_logo_1329847407.webp
The file is referred to in 2 pages
https://serc.carleton.edu/earthscope_providersummit/geoprisms.html - GeoPRISMS
The GeoPRISMS Program is the original creator of the GeoPRISMS Logo.
ReuseThis image is available from
http://geoprisms.org/ along with other GeoPRISMS logos and the GeoPRISMS Media Kit