Figure 6 – The figure is of the subset used to calculate long-term sediment yields encompassing the last 6 ka. The x-axis is calibrated years BP moving forward in time from left to right with 0 cal yr BP being 1950 AD. The data in the inverted bar graph represents the sample count of the number of dated charcoal fragments creating the above smoothed curves. Red bars are lower basin samples and blue bars are upper basin samples. Curves are the cumulative sum of 14C age distributions and are not normalized. The black curve is a 100-yr running mean and represents all dated fires (n=49) collected from within all deposits types (i.e., debris flows, burn surfaces, hyper-concentrated flows, sheetfloods, and over-bank deposits). The blue curve (not smoothed) represents dated upper basin and the red curve (not smoothed) represents dated lower basin confidently identified as debris flow deposits. The numbered debris flows represents the total age constrained deposits within the 2 ka moving window. Mean debris flow frequency per sub-basin was calculated by averaging the number of debris flow deposits within individual alluvial fans per timescale (2000 yr). Middle Fork Salmon debris flow frequency is calculating by including the total number of debris flows entering the MFSR per timescale (accounting for only 10 debris flow producing sub-basins).
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