View Original Image at Full SizeFigure 4: A) 3-D view of contour lines of Macchapucchare summit looking due North, B) TIN triangulation network, C)Interpolated TIN surface, D) Slope map of Macchapucchare summitvshowing irregular flat terraces created from TIN interpolation, E) Slope map of Macchapucchare summit showing ellimination of irregular flat terraces using the multiquadric radial basis function.
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Contour lines digitized by Tank Ojha and projected in 3D using ArcScene. Tank Ojha (The University of Arizona), Tom Fedenczuk (The University of Hawaii), Karl Schleicher, and Ofori Pearson aided in the interpolation method comparison.
Walsh, L.S., 2009, Topographic signatures in the Himalaya: A geospatial survey of the interaction between tectonics and erosion in the Modi Khola valley, central Nepal [M.S. Thesis]: University of Maryland, 218 pages.