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Trends in total water withdrawals by water-use category, 1950-2005. Figure examines 5 different water users: public, rural domestic, irrigation, thermoelectric and other, and total withdrawals. Rural domestic water withdraws have stayed fairly consistent around 10 billion gallons a day. Public supply has slowly increase from 20 billion to 45 billion. Other uses have decrease by about 10 billion to around 35 billion. Irrigation has increased from 1950-1980 but then decreased slightly until 2005 to around 110 billion. Thermoelectric power increased steeply from 1950-1980 and then leveled out around 170 billion. The total withdrawals trend similarly increases from 1950-1980 and then levels out around 400 billion gallons of water withdrawn per day.
Originally uploaded in Integrate:Teaching for Sustainability:InTeGrate Modules:Water Science and Society:Student Materials.

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Source: J.F. Kenny et al., U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1344 (2009)
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