Aerial photo and DEM of the Snowplow

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Figure 5. Images of the Snowplow. The upper image is a vertical aerial photograph (from the Utah SGID web site – see the list of URLs in this vignette), which includes labels for important geomorphic features. T V = transgressive-phase V-shaped barriers; T sediments = transgressive-phase offshore sediments; T shorelines = transgressive-phase shorelines cut into a pre-Bonneville alluvial fan. Note that the transgressive-phase sediments overlie the transgressive-phase shorelines, and that the post-Bonneville alluvial fan overlies the transgressive-phase sediments (you can see these relationships clearly on the hillshade in this figure). The Provo-aged sediments are calcareous sands deposited in shallow water offshore from the Provo shoreline. The lower image is a hillshade from a 5-m DEM (from the Utah SGID web site); sun angle is NW, 45 degrees above the horizon. Compare the hillshade with the aerial photograph.

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