View Original Image at Full SizeFigure 1: Paired photographs taken from the same location 50 m below the dam site looking upstream (A & B) and downstream (C & D) before removal (A & C) in July 2007 and after removal (B & D) in July 2009. In the July 2007 photo (A) Marmot Dam is still in place and heavy equipment is constructing the cofferdam. The road visible on the right side of the downstream pre-removal photo (C) has been buried by several meters of sediment in the post-removal photo (D).
Image 18292 is a 1402 by 2208 pixel WebP
Dec3 09
Last Modified: 2009-12-29 12:14:10
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/18292/marmot_dam_before_after.webp
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