Major Storms Banner

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Volunteers form a bucket brigade to move bags more efficiently across the beach. Heavy lifting!

As part of the larger Hurricane Sandy resilience Project "Gandy's Beach shoreline protection", the Service partnered with The Nature Conservancy and Project PORTS to engage several thousand students to build 15,000 shell bags. The bags will be placed offshore at Gandy's Beach to become a living oyster reef, part of the 4,000 feet of living shoreline and breakwater to restore 337 acres of salt marsh and adjacent uplands. This project will substantially improve the ability of the site to withstand storm surges and coastal erosion.
Originally uploaded in Integrate:Teaching for Sustainability:InTeGrate Modules:Major Storms and Community Resilience.

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Last Modified: 2017-02-24 16:12:09
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US Fish and Wildlife Service, Project PORTS staff, accessed via Flickr:
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