Dr. Cynthia M. Hewitt

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Cynthia Hewitt (Associate Professor, Morehouse College) is a sociologist in the political-economy tradition of world-systems theory. While this theory explains why the system remains the same, she seeks to determine instead the catalytic points for change based on the contradictory positions occupied by Africans, women and other people whose indigenous roots place them in subaltern positions today. The limits to growth poses the third dimension in the dialectics of capital and labor, changing all P-E theory. Much of her research and teaching focuses on exposing students to African cultures of subsistence, a contribution of Africentric perspectives. She theorizes the need for collective control over subsistence in order to be really free to make choices for sustainability, and the benefits of Pan-African solidarity. More specifically, her projects include the Solar Pioneers II Indigenous Language solar education research project with MPAGE study abroad research interns in Ghana.
Originally uploaded in Integrate:Teaching for Sustainability:InTeGrate Modules:Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities.

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Cynthia Hewitt, Morehouse College
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