Lab Field Trip student packet and reading assignment V2

Lab Field Trip student packet and reading assignment V2
Modified after the 2014 student packet example, and compatible with example activity station descriptions from Section V; editable DOC, with three versions of the questions to avoid cheating in large classes; includes pre-field trip reading assignment. – Chandra Vostral, Bothell Tutoring.

File 96554 is a 14MB Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx)
Uploaded: Jul25 16
Last Modified: 2016-07-25 16:05:58

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Developed in collaboration with Kelly Egaas, David Ruppert, Highline School District; members of the Department of Earth and Space Sciences, IsoLab, Quaternary Research Center and Biology Department at the University of Washington; Chandra Vostrall, Bothell Tutoring.
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