Reading Activity: Two Faces of Vectors (Cascadia Module - Math Supplement)

Reading Activity: Two Faces of Vectors (Cascadia Module - Math Supplement)
Vectors in science and math written for students. This article takes students as far as they want to go in connecting science and math in the context of strain. Mathematically adept students can run ahead on their own with a sequence spelled out for them. Topics include using the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the total vector; measuring the vector's azimuth with a protractor or compass; calculating the vector's azimuth with sines and cosines; adding vectors analytically; and manipulating vectors as matrices. Recommendations for Khan Academy videos are included so that students can learn independently.

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Nancy West, Beth Pratt-Sitaula, and Shelley Olds, expanded from work initiated by Vince Cronin, Baylor University
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