Teaching Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB

Teaching Quantum Mechanics with MATLAB
Incorporating MATLAB matrix computations in the quantum mechanics curriculum helps students gain an intuition about the topic, shows how real world problems can be solved, and imbues the insight that functions are like vectors and differential operators

File 420436 is a 317kB MATLAB Live Script
Uploaded: Feb22 21
Last Modified: 2021-02-22 13:50:20

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Adapted from an original work by R. Garcia, A. Zozulya, and J. Stickney. All three authors gave written permission to Paul Kassebaum to adapt the work and to share it liberally with attribution as per the CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/. Updated Feb 2021 by Temo Vekua
CC BY-SA 4.0