Environmental Justice Tour

Environmental Justice Tour
A Powerpoint describing the Environmental Justice Tour for an undergraduate learning experience.

Students often recognize that air, water, and soil pollution have negative effects on human health but may not recognize that these problems exist in their own communities. In many parts of the United States there are sources of pollution located very close to neighborhoods especially in low-income areas. The field trip experience described here explores the relationship between economically depressed neighborhoods and environmental problems through the lens of social justice. This field trip involves witnessing how several low-income neighborhoods are located near coal-fired power plants, open-air coal ash landfills, chemical plants, and a Superfund site. During the experience students have the opportunity to make observations and discuss what they have witnessed in the context of why these problems exist, who is responsible for these problems and how they might be fixed. This field trip experience was developed by Mr. Tim Darst at the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center in Louisvile, Kentucky and is offered on a regular basis for college students, high school groups and community members. This kind of experience could be adapted to many other parts of the country that experience environmental problems, either urban (as described above) or rural (i.e., agricultural problems, deforestation, etc.).

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Last Modified: 2012-06-03 11:13:01

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This is a presentation developed by Dr. Katherine Bulinski at Bellarmine University with contributions from Mr. Tim Darst at the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center in Louisville, Kentucky.
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