Flowline Glacier Model that makes animation

Flowline Glacier Model that makes animation
Code developed by Gerard Roe and Marcia Baker and is publicly available. Matlab file is available for public download here: https://earthweb.ess.washington.edu/roe/GerardWeb/Home.html

File 308209 is a 10kB Matlab File
Uploaded: Sep3 19
Last Modified: 2019-09-03 09:54:39

The file is referred to in 1 page
Code developed by Gerard Roe and Marcia Baker and is publicly available. Matlab file is available for public download here: https://earthweb.ess.washington.edu/roe/GerardWeb/Home.html
Matlab file is available for public download here: https://earthweb.ess.washington.edu/roe/GerardWeb/Home.html