CE Nov 12 2010 Climate Change Webinar Screencast of the November 12, 2010 Climate Change Webinar from Cutting Edge. The webinar took place between 12:00 and 1:00 pm (central time) and featured Geoff Thyne of the University of Wyoming speaking - "Can Carbon Capture and Storage Clean up Fossil Fuels"
File 25266 is a 237.6MB MP4 Video Uploaded:
Jul31 17 Last Modified: 2017-07-31 16:40:23 https://serc.carleton.edu/download/files/25266/ce_nov_12_2010.v2.mp4
There is one other file that provides the same content in a different format:
November https://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/climatechange/webinar/nov.html
Provenance John McDaris, Carleton College
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