Learn and Serve America Higher Education Community Partner Survey

Learn and Serve America Higher Education Community Partner Survey
These 12 survey questions were designed to be included as part of a grantee’s/subgrantee’s Community Partner evaluation survey. The questions are deigned for grantee programs that are measuring the effect of their students’ service on increasing community partner capacity and providing valuable service to community partners’ constituents.

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Taken from: http://www.servicelearning.org/sample_form_template/learn-and-serve-america-h...
This survey was developed with input from Kirsten Breckinridge, Corporation for National and Community Service; Christine Cress, Portland State University; Peter Levine, Tufts University; Piper McGinley, California Campus Compact; Mary Prentice, New Mexico State University; and Gail Robinson, American Association of Community Colleges.
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