Remeandering of a small channelized stream

Remeandering of a small channelized stream
As the camera pulls back in the beginning of this clip we see a small, meandering channel. As the graphics soon reveal, this channel was excavated as a wide, straight trapezoid about 10 years before this video was shot. The graphics show the remeandering process and also how the cross section has changed as terraces and point bars formed during the remeandering.
This channel is an unnamed tributary to Little Crab Orchard Creek near Parrish Elementary School in Carbondale, Illinois.

File 19084 is a 5.6MB MP4 Video
Uploaded: Aug2 17
Last Modified: 2017-08-02 10:55:08

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Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geomorphology
Developed by Little River Research and Design.
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