Emriver channelization, large meanders, packed sediment

Emriver channelization, large meanders, packed sediment
This is a time-lapsed Emriver channelization demonstration in which a meander loop is cut off. In this case the channel length between two points is more than halved, so slope would increase by a factor of 2+. The playback speed varies and is noted on the video.

Note the relative stability of the system before channelization, in which a small amount of sediment is moving through the reach, but there is little bank erosion and by one definition - sediment in = sediment out - the system is very stable. A moving circle and the words “uniform bedload transport” illustrate this.

After the channelization note bank failures both up and downstream, and that the channel slowly reestablishes a meandering form so that its overall length is about the same as before the channelization. Graphics show how bedload transport greatly increases due to incision and bank erosion upstream of and within the reach.

During the remeandering process, note that there is a net export of sediment—
you can see this by visually comparing sediment movement into the reach versus
that out of it.

File 19077 is a 27MB MP4 Video
Uploaded: Jul27 17
Last Modified: 2017-07-27 13:33:06

There is one other file that provides the same content in a different format:
The file is referred to in 2 pages
Developed by Little River Research and Design.
These videos may be freely used and copied as long as they remain unchanged, with all logos and other graphics intact, and with acknowledgment of their creators and funding agencies.