(Mobile)Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching


(Mobile) Summer Institute short description (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 376kB Jan7 20)

The Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching empower and inspire college and university instructors to transform STEM education through evidence-based teaching practices. The Summer Institutes are dedicated to STEM education reform, improving science literacy, attracting more diverse students to research and increasing the number of students who become scientists at colleges and universities across the United States.

Who is this program for?

Participants include college and university faculty and future faculty in STEM fields from both research- and teaching-intensive institutions. Each year, approximately 200 participants attend one of up to six "regional" Summer Institutes, which draw faculty teams from institutions in a proximal geographic region. We also lead "mobile Summer Institutes, which draw participants from the same department or institution.

What is our approach?

The Summer Institutes are intensive multi-day workshops held throughout the United States that introduce STEM educators to the principles of evidence-based teaching.

What will I learn from attending a Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching?

The Summer Institute curriculum enables participants to answer the following questions:

  • What is scientific teaching? What are some challenges I might need to address in implementing scientific teaching strategies?
  • How can I create and sustain a more inclusive learning environment for my students through scientific teaching?
  • How can scientific evidence inform the teaching practices that I implement?
  • How can I use backward design to align learning objectives, assessments, and active learning strategies?
  • What modes of assessment can I use to promote student learning and inform instruction?
  • How does cognitive science research lay the foundation for the scientific teaching approaches and practices to use in my classroom?
  • How can I implement and disseminate scientific teaching in my community?

More about the Summer Institutes:

he Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching empower and inspire college and university instructors to transform STEM education through evidence-based teaching practices. The Summer Institutes are dedicated to STEM education reform, improving science literacy, attracting more diverse students to research and increasing the number of students who become scientists at colleges and universities across the United States.

The Summer Institutes model the scientific teaching principles they promote and support participants in directly applying these principles to the development of teaching materials. The curriculum of the Summer Institutes includes core elements such as active learning strategies, effective assessment development, and inclusive teaching practices. Summer Institutes alumni are actively transforming STEM education on their home campuses, contributing to national STEM education initiatives and disseminating their evidence-based teaching efforts and research through publications.