Cohort 3 Application

AK UNiTE is an NSF-funded Research Coordination Network in Undergraduate Biology Education that focuses on providing researchers in Alaska with mentorship support that will promote the participation of diverse students in biological research. We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our third AK UNiTE Cohort Year (2024-25) from both returning and new cohort members. Team submissions are encouraged!

Application Deadline: October 14, 2024 (extended)

2024-25 Cohort Timeline:

By engaging as a cohort member of 2024-25, you are committing to participation in the following dates:

November 1, 2024: 10 am-2 pm AK time - Hybrid Kickoff Event*
*Note that separate travel funding is available for all Cohort members.

November 2024 - March 2025: Cohort work on projects, with monthly check-ins. There will be a few options each month for the check-ins.

April 2025 - Final Share Out Event. Potentially April 18th to coincide with the UAA Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium*
*Note that separate travel funding is available for all Cohort members.

* required

* required

* required

I am: (check all that apply)

Institution Type (check all that apply)

Voucher Application Type: (check all that apply)

Please see the Guidelines below for more information

*To be eligible, you must be a former AK UNiTE member.

* required

Project Description: (2 pages max)

Proposal Guidelines

For Professional Development Voucher (Option 1):

  1. Identify the specific professional development opportunity, its relevance/importance to mentoring of students, and its timeline,
  2. Description of the specific activities that you will perform,
  3. A statement of anticipated impact on development of your inclusive mentorship practices.

For CURES Voucher (Option 2) Describe the following:

  1. An outline/timeline of your CURE project,
  2. A description of your class research goals and specific resources you will use,
  3. A plan on how you will assess student learning and incorporate mentoring into the plan.

For Undergraduate Student Voucher (Option 3) Describe the following:

  1. A description of the student research project, including specific objectives,
  2. A description of project deliverables,
  3. A mentoring plan for the student.

For Leadership Team Voucher (Option 4) Describe the following:

  1. A statement of interest in joining team,
  2. A description of your prior involvement in AK UNiTE,
  3. A vision statement for the trajectory of AK UNiTE and identify your specific role in working toward this vision.
  4. Share a reflective statement for how AK UNiTE can continue to empower community members toward sustaining the network past the life of the grant and identify your specific role in working toward this vision.

For Design Your Own Voucher (Option 5) Describe the following:

  1. Identify your proposed activity, its relevance/importance to mentoring of students, and its timeline,
  2. A description of the specific activities that you will perform,
  3. A statement of anticipated impact on mentorship for undergraduate students in Alaska.

Financial Support Needed and Support Justification (1 page max): Total dollar amount requested for participant support should not exceed $5,000.

Participant support costs mean direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances, and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with conferences, or training projects. Funds are being provided to defray the costs of participation.

Agreement: (select one)

As a cohort member of AK UNiTE,

  • I agree to participate in the November 1 Kickoff Event and all other required programming events for the 2024-25 cohort year.
  • I understand that when sharing work from this project, I am required to acknowledge original authors, AK UNiTE, and NSF as a funding source in any publications or other presentations.
  • I understand that my application materials will be shared with other cohort members with the goal of building the network.
  • If awarded funding, I agree to submit deliverables that will be shared publicly on the AK UNiTE website.
  • Finally, I understand that the majority of participant support funding will be reimbursed according to the guidelines from the University of Alaska Anchorage.