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Join the AK UNiTE Network!

Interested in connecting with the AK UNiTE network? Please provide your information below so that we communicate with you as we build an inclusive community of students, educators, and researchers.

AK UNiTE acknowledges the longstanding issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion facing STEM. As a AK UNiTE network member, I agree to support efforts to increase representation and opportunities for members of our underrepresented communities in Alaska.

* required

* required

Participant Role (please select one):

* required
Interested but not sure where you might fit in? Please feel free to leave the rest of the boxes blank.

Location where you conduct research. If you are a student, please indicate your undergraduate institution name and location.

Institution/Organization Type (select all that apply):

If you wish, you may upload a picture of yourself and a short bio to be included on the network website.