Adventures at Dry Creek

This educational module enables students (5-12) to experience ongoing research of University of California paleontologists studying about life in Montana 60-70 million years ago. It gives students the opportunity to experience the scientific process using real research questions and data. The teacher guide provides background information, standards, a lesson plan, discussion question, handouts, assessment materials, content background, and related material. During this module students will: gain an understanding of paleontological field work, stratigraphy, geologic time, and fossils; conduct a scientific investigation by collecting, categorizing, identifying and analyzing fossils; use a key to identify fossils; read and analyze data presented in a chart and graph; use fossil data to develop multiple hypotheses about life in the past; make inferences about life in the past using direct and indirect evidence; and communicate findings with others for review.

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Subject: Biology
Resource Type: Activities:Classroom Activity
Inquiry Level: Guided Inquiry
Special Interest: Small Group
Grade Level: High School (9-12), Intermediate (3-5), Middle (6-8)
Use: Enabling Student Investigation:Collect and interpret dataKeywords: geologic map, topographic map, embryology, comparative anatomy