Science News For Kids

Science News For Kids

This resource is meant to enhance the usefulness of Science News in the middle-school classroom and offer recreational reading and activities for students interested in science. It is comprised of six 'zones': a weekly brainteaser for those who enjoy solving and inventing puzzles, entertaining science-fiction composition exercises for those interested in writing, and weekly science fair profiles and tips. The GameZone contains a small selection of logic and memory games, implemented as Java applets. The TeacherZone offers materials, some related to the feature article of the week, so that teachers can bring science news topics to the classroom. The LabZone features a weekly hands-on activity.

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Subject: Geoscience:Lunar and Planetary Science, Biology
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources
Grade Level: High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5)
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Planetary Science