Ciliates by the Slice
John E. Boynton, Eugene B. Small February 1984 The Science Teacher p35-38

This educational journal article details fast and easy methods for collecting benthic ciliates from sandy sediments for identification and quantification. It describes the habitat of benthic ciliates, their role within the food web, and how students can collect and analyze these microbes.

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Subject: Biology:Microbiology, Microbiology:Methods of Microbiology :Microscopy, Biology:Ecology:Principles, Habitats:Marine, Biology, Microbiology:Methods of Microbiology :Culturing Methods, Biology:Ecology:Metabolism, Education:Assessment
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Activities:Lab Activity, Classroom Activity:Jigsaw, Journal Article
Grade Level: High School (9-12), College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)