Reports from the Curriculum Foundations Project, from workshops conducted by The CUPM subcommittee on Calculus Reform and the First Two Years (CRAFTY)
Mathematical Association of America 2001

The Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) subcommittee Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years (CRAFTY) has gathered input from partner disciplines through a series of eleven workshops held across the country from November 1999 to February 2001, followed by a final summary conference in November 2001. Each Curriculum Foundations workshop consisted of 20-35 participants, the majority chosen from the discipline under consideration, the remainder chosen from mathematics. Each workshop produced a report directed to the mathematics community summarizing the workshop's recommendations and conclusions. Individual reports can serve as a resource to guide one-on-one discussions between mathematicians and colleagues in partner disciplines. These disciplines include biology, business management, chemistry, computer science, engineering, health-related life science, physics, statistics, K-12 teacher preparation, and technical mathematics. it is hoped that the reports will foster open, collegial, and constructive conversations between academic departments.

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Special Interest: Quantitative
Resource Type: Journal Article