The Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) subcommittee Curriculum Renewal Across the First Two Years (CRAFTY) has gathered input from partner disciplines through a series of eleven workshops held across the country from November 1999 to February 2001, followed by a final summary conference in November 2001. Each Curriculum Foundations workshop consisted of 20-35 participants, the majority chosen from the discipline under consideration, the remainder chosen from mathematics. Each workshop produced a report directed to the mathematics community summarizing the workshop's recommendations and conclusions. Individual reports can serve as a resource to guide one-on-one discussions between mathematicians and colleagues in partner disciplines. These disciplines include biology, business management, chemistry, computer science, engineering, health-related life science, physics, statistics, K-12 teacher preparation, and technical mathematics. it is hoped that the reports will foster open, collegial, and constructive conversations between academic departments.
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