Field Guide; Little Rocky Mountains
- First Publication: November 9, 2006
- First Publication: November 9, 2006
Start point
U.S. Highway 191, miles post 109.1
End point
Zortman, Montana
U.S. 91, Montana 236
Total distance
25.2 miles
This fieldtrip examines deformed Paleozoic sedimentary rocks on the margins of the Little Rocky Mountains, Tertiary intrusive rocks (porphyrys, magmatic-hydrothermal breccias, and dikes), and associated mineralization.
Key Lithologic Features
- Mississippian limestone
- Mission Canyon Formation
- Lodgepole Formation
- Archean gneisses
- Tertiary syenite porphyry
- Sullivan Park porphyry
- Antoine porphyry
- Precambrian amphibolites
- Archean schist
- Eocene volcanics
- hypabysal intrusions
- Emerson Formation
- Great Falls tectonic zone
Other Features
Russell, C.W., and Gabelman, J., 1991, Field Guide; Little Rocky Mountains,
in Baker, D.W., and Berg, R.B., eds.,
Guidebook of the central Montana alkalic province: Geology, ore deposits and origin , Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 100, p. 185-194.
Out of print; can be photocopied for a fee. For more information, search for
this publication's record at the MBMG.