Internet Resources
Focus on the Cretaceous
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Changing Paleoclimates and Mass Extinctions part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This article provides a model for climatic change and relates climatic cycles with major extinction events in the history of the Earth. It discusses the mechanisms behind modern climate zones ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
North American Orogenies part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This web-site contains files showing simple cross sections of one or more states in selected North American orogenies (mountain building events). Major structures, elements, and rock units are shown. ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Collection, Overview/Reference Work, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
The Asteroid Impact vs. Volcano Greenhouse Dinosaur Extinction Debate part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This paper discusses two theories of dinosaur extinction, and how Professor McLean's research led to one conclusion. The paper is available in a student version, as well as a science-political ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Tracking the Course of Evolution: Extinction part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This essay on mass extinction events (Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, Cretaceous) in the geologic record is a chapter from History of Life, a book written by Richard Cowen, in which he ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Bibliography, Overview/Reference Work
Extinction part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This site discusses and defines a number of extinction concepts and provides a survey of some important extinction and extinction-like events, primarily from the Phanerozoic. There is information ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Geology Fieldnotes: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This National Park Service resource includes information about geology, park maps, visitor information, photographs, and links to other sites about this park. Geologic information spans the entire ...Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations, Maps, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Tertiary Paleogeography and Tectonic History, Central Arizona part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This website presents images and text depicting the paleogeography and tectonic evolution of central Arizona during the Tertiary period. Emphasis is on an evolving Oligocene to Miocene drainage ...Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
The Cretaceous Period part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This resource discusses notable facts about the Cretaceous Period, the last portion of the "Age of Dinosaurs". The site covers Ceratopsians, such as the Tricerotops. It includes sections on ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Are Birds Really Dinosaurs? part of SERC Web Resource Collection
Evidence presented on this site is overwhelmingly in favor of birds being the descendants of a maniraptoran dinosaur, probably something similar (but not identical) to a small dromaeosaur. Dr. ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Opinion, Overview/Reference Work
Introduction to Pterasauria: The Flying Reptiles part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This site is a general introduction to pterosaurs. Ranging from the size of a sparrow to the size of an airplane, the pterosaurs (Greek for "wing lizards") ruled the skies in the Jurassic ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations