Fig. 4. Cosmogenic nuclide data

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Figure 4. Measured 10Be (circles) and 26Al (squares) concentrations (atoms g-1quartz) for the Beacon Valley moraine site showing the best-fit predictions for the sublimation exposure model (solid line) and the erosion exposure model (dashed line). For each data point, the small vertical lines show the depth range for each sample in the profile, and the small horizontal lines show the 1-sigma error for each measurement. In some cases, these lines are smaller than the data points on the scale shown. The sublimation exposure model captures the nuclide concentrations at all depths, but the erosion exposure model fails to explain the measured nuclide concentrations. The model parameters for the best-fit sublimation exposure model are: 12 m Ma-1 for the sublimation rate, 0.78 m Ma-1 for the erosion rate, and 7.7% for the initial debris concentration.

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