Pedagogic Modules

Initial Publication Date: September 4, 2009

Each pedagogic module will contain a general description of the pedagogical method, summaries of research demonstrating student learning gains, classroom implementation guides, and a library of economics-based examples that illustrate the teaching method in action.

Pedagogical Innovations (and module availability): Starting Point will develop a total of 16 pedagogical modules, incrementally rolling them out over the next two years according to the following schedule:

  • Fall 2009 – Context-Rich Problems, Cooperative Learning, Teaching with Cases, Just-in-Time Teaching, and Quantitative Writing.
  • Spring 2010 – Classroom Experiments, Teaching with Computer Simulations, Effective use of Personal Response Systems, Guided Inquiry, and Student Research
  • Fall 2010 – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching, Service Learning, Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum, Documented Problem Solving, Using Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning, and Interactive Lectures