Lighting the Way: Electrical Circuits and Lamp Wiring

Nichole A. Kotasek
Minnesota New Country School
Henderson, MN
Utilizes original activities from TOPS Learning Systems, Electricity 32
Author Profile


This self-paced unit is designed to allow junior high students in a project-based the opportunity to explore basic electrical circuits and demonstrate the new knowledge by wiring a lamp, explaining the components of the lamp that are important for the flow of electricity, and completing a schematic of the lamp circuitry. The lessons for this unit are available in a bin that the student can check out from the science teacher. The bin contains activity sheets, materials and guidelines for project completion. The student will work through the activity sheets and keep track of learning and progress in a lab reflection notebook. The final assessment is the lamp wiring activity which requires the student to understand basic electrical circuitry.

Learning Goals

Students will explore electrical circuits through a series of self-guided activities and then build a working model of
a circuit through the process of wiring a lamp.

Key concepts include understanding the flow of electrons through a circuit, determining if a circuit is wired in series or parallel and properly diagramming a circuit in both an open and closed position.
Terminology the students will be working with include resistance, series circuit, parallel circuit, schematic diagram, closed circuit, open circuit, insulators, conductors, fuse, switch, AC, DC

Context for Use

This introductory unit is designed to be a self-paced laboratory activity in a project-based educational setting but could easily be adapted to be used in a classroom or home school setting. Most 6th-9th grade students should be able to complete the unit in two weeks if working approximately one hour per day. All materials and equipment needed are easy and inexpensive to acquire.

Description and Teaching Materials

Students will be notified that the project bin is available for use. Any student who is interested in investigating electricity will be able to check out the project bin.

1)The student will check out the project bin from the science lab.
2)The student will review scoring rubric with the teacher.
3)The student will complete all activities in the bin in sequential order (1-20).
4)Following completion of each activity, the student will turn in the activity sheet and the Activity Reflection Sheet for review prior to beginning the next activity.
5)After completing all activities in the project bin, the student will receive a lamp wiring kit without any instructions and will complete a lamp wiring research proposal.
6)The student will wire a lamp by following their research proposal and using the wiring kit and their container from home.
7)The student will complete a lab journal sheet as he/she wires the lamp taking notes on each step of the process.
8)The student will turn the lamp, research proposal form and the lab journal in to the teacher for "Plug-in" approval when it is completed.
9)The student will test the lamp after receiving "Plug-in" approval.
10)The student and teacher will score the project results on the rubric and compare results to determine credit and MN Academic standards earned.


-Basic Project Kit contains the scoring rubric, 20 activity sheets from the TOPS Learning Systems: Electricity #32, D batteries, bulbs, masking tape, aluminum foil, paper clips, rubber bands, index cards, clothespins, steel wool, straight pins, balloons, scissors, pennies and a paper punch,

Books and kits area available for order from:

-Lamp wiring kit contains the lamp wiring research proposal form, lab journal sheets, a socket, switches, plugs, cord sets, lamp wire, other hardware for stabilizing the socket, etc. These kits are available online or at almost any craft or hardware store.

-The student will provide a container from home that will be the base for the lamp.
Activity Reflection Sheet (Microsoft Word 24kB Sep17 08)
Research Proposal Form (Microsoft Word 24kB Sep17 08)
Lab Journal Sheet (Microsoft Word 29kB Sep17 08)
Assessment Rubric (Microsoft Word 30kB Sep17 08)

Teaching Notes and Tips

It is very important to check in with the student at the completion of each activity to allow for discussion and review of concepts and redirection of any misconceptions. Use the lab reflection sheets to guide the discussion and be sure to look over the activity sheets for lack of completion and inaccurate information

Students must have their lamps pre-approved by the teacher for plug-in to avoid any "shocking" results.

Comprehensive teaching notes are included in the TOPS books.
It is recommended that these be reviewed by the teacher before setting up the kits for student check-out. This is especially important if you plan to use this as a self-paced project.


Use attached rubric to determine scoring on Activity Reflection Sheets, Research Proposal Forms, and Lab Journals. Modify rubric as needed to fulfill your needs.


Grade 6: II.E.1, 2 - Forces of Nature
Grade 9-12: II.C.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Energy Transformations

References and Resources