Temperature-Volume Relationship of a Gas
Initial Publication Date: September 8, 2008
This lab uses plastic syringes fitted with caps to explore the change in volume as the temperature changes.
Learning Goals
Students should be learning the relationship between temperature and volume of a fixed quantity of gas. This lab reinforces the concepts taught using the ideal gas law. It also investigate the concept of absolute zero through graphing.
Context for Use
This is a lab that takes approximately 50 minutes. I will have introduced the ideal gas law and would now be letting the students investigate the volume-temperature relationship.
Description and Teaching Materials
You can make an ice bath and a hot water bath. You will need plastic syringes fitted with a plastic tubing stopper. Computers to help students with graphing and extrapolating.
Lab Sheet and Directions (Microsoft Word 25kB Sep8 08)
Teaching Notes and Tips
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Students should fill out labsheet and make a graph. The graph should have a line drawn in that would be drawn through absolute zero.