Dan Maxbauer
Carleton College
Website Content Contributions
Activities (2)
Exploring the Global Carbon Budget part of Project EDDIE:Teaching Materials:Modules
How much carbon is emitted each year due to human activity? How does that number compare to rates of exchange between carbon cycle reservoirs? Where do our carbon emissions go? In this module, students will explore global carbon budget data to 1) determine the rate of change in carbon emissions, 2) explore changes in carbon cycle sinks over time to investigate where carbon emissions end up, and 3) determine what kinds of rates of change are needed to reduce carbon emissions to zero in the future.
Analyzing pollen in lake sediments to understand climate change part of Project EDDIE:News & Events:EDDIE Workshops:Workshop: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Data:Teaching Activities
This activity is aimed at analyzing a stratigraphic sequence of pollen samples from local lake sediments in order to reconstruct past climate and environmental conditions. The main activity fits into a larger ...
Essay (1)
Quantitative reasoning in the geosciences through data-rich activities and projects part of Project EDDIE:News & Events:EDDIE Workshops:Workshop: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning with Data:Essays
Dan Maxbauer, Geology Department, Carleton College Understanding how to think about data and to make data-driven interpretations is a learned skill that is important across a range of disciplines and career paths. ...
Other Contribution (1)
Using Project EDDIE modules in Carbon and Climate part of Project EDDIE:Teaching Materials:Using Project EDDIE Materials:Instructor Stories
The Exploring the Global Carbon Budget module is helpful for student exploration for how carbon emissions interact with the natural exchange of carbon in global carbon cycle. The combination of data visualization and active learning helps students grasp both the magnitude and rates of carbon exchange each year.
Workshop Participant
January 2022 Early Career 2019
July 2019