Robin Matthews
IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit
Robin is a Science Officer with the Technical Support Unit for Working Group I ('The Physical Science Basis') of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), hosted by the Université Paris-Saclay in France. He is an oceanographer by training and is also interested in climate change education and outreach.
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (2)
Using the IPCC Reports in Teaching and Outreach part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Roundtable Discussions
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses the current state of scientific understanding on aspects of contemporary climate change. Their assessments span the physical science of climate change, ...
Changing the Climate of your Climate Change Lessons part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2018:Program:Morning Workshops:Changing the Climate of your Climate Change Lessons
A phenomena-based, active learning experience for K-12 & intro level college instructors who teach climate change as part of their curriculum. Experience how to make cutting-edge climate data come to life in ...
July 2018 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2017
July 2017 Earth Educators' Rendezvous Interest Group