Jodi Ryder
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Central Michigan University
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Field observations of mass transport part of Hydrogeology:Hydrogeology, Soils, Geochemistry 2013:Activities
In this activity students use published data from the Massachusetts Military Reservation to observe and predict mass transport parameters.
Learn more about this review process.
Environmental Geochemistry poster project part of Hydrogeology:Hydrogeology, Soils, Geochemistry 2013:Activities
This is an independent case study project completed in pairs. The students should investigate an example of natural geochemistry and then use a poster format to share their findings with the class.
Head and Pieziometric Surfaces #2 part of Early Career:Previous Workshops:Workshop 2010:Teaching Activities
This activity steps students through the process of mapping and interpreting contours. It includes examples and follow up practice activities.
Course (1)
Hydrogeology part of Hydrogeology:Hydrogeology, Soils, Geochemistry 2013:Courses
This course is an introduction to the study of groundwater: groundwater flow, well hydraulics, groundwater quality and pollution, and resource exploration, evaluation, and management. The course format is 2x50 ...
3 activities reviewed