Casey Davenport

Geography and Earth Sciences

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Workshop Leader, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Conference Presentations (6)

Characterizing the Growth in Spatial Thinking Skills in Undergraduate Meteorology Students Across the Curriculum part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2024:Program:Oral Sessions:Monday Oral Session A
Spatial thinking skills are essential to student success in disciplines such as geology, atmospheric science, and geography. Previous work on spatial thinking in the atmospheric sciences has demonstrated that ...

Other Contributions (4)

Teaching Atmospheric Dynamics to Improve Learning and Engagement part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Afternoon Mini-Workshops
Atmospheric dynamics represents a challenging hurdle in the undergraduate meteorology/atmospheric sciences curriculum, and is arguably the hardest material to teach well for comprehension, application, and ...


Workshop Leader

Workshop Participant (24 workshops)

Webinar Participant