Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
In this exercise, students map the elevation of the water table in the Mammoth Groundwater Basin using water levels measured in Mammoth County Water District monitoring wells.
Botanical Transect Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Students gain experience "reading" landscapes using geologic, hydrological, and botanical/ecological techniques. They learn two simple and widely used methods for quantitatively measuring the density of ...
Mono Lake Paleoshoreline Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Students complete a series of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, and botany field exercises at a field site near the north shore of Mono Lake to generate interpretations of the lake through time. The Mono Lake ...
Mono Lake North Geomorphic Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
In this activity students observe Mono Lake North in the field and via remote imagery to identify fluvial geomorphic features. With these observations and data collected in the field students create annotated ...
Poleta Stratigraphy part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Based on field observations at Little Poleta, students identify and describe sedimentary rock units and measure the thicknesses of 5 different stratigraphic units. They then establish the field site's major ...
Poleta Bedrock Geologic Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Students produce a bedrock geologic map of the Little Poleta field area from which they write a short interpretation of the paleoenvironment and geologic history of the region.
Panum Crater Geomorphic Mapping part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Based upon field observations and aerial imagery, students generate a geomorphic map of Panum Crater and use their field data to make an interpretation of the eruptive history of Panum Crater.
Intro to Quantifying Stream Discharge and Base Flow part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
In this exercise, students calculate stream discharge from sample field data using the velocity-area method. They compare multiple measurements of discharge to determine base flow in a sample river reach.
McGee Creek Geomorphic History part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
At the McGee Creek field site, students observe geomorphic features that provide evidence for at least 2 processes (one tectonic and one climatic) influencing this landscape as well as ongoing modification of this ...
Walker Lake Area Glacial Geomorphology part of E-STEM:Field Course:ESTEM-PD Activities
Students visit Walker Lake (Eastern Sierras) to identify and map glacial geomorphic features. From their field and remote observations of the landscape, they subsequently make interpretations about formation ...