Thom Davis
Natural & Applied Sciences
Bentley University
I am a professor of geology and paleoclimatology at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Bentley is a business university, so most of my teaching spans undergraduate general education courses, such as Weather and Climate, Global Climate Change (in New Zealand during January term), Water and the Environment (Introductory Hydrology), Science of Sustainability, and Principles of Geology (including in Iceland during May term). My research interests include Quaternary and glacial geology, Holocene glacier fluctuations and climate change, geomorphology of landslides, Quaternary palynology (although I have not counted pollen grains in over three decades), lacustrine sedimentology, alpine geomorphology, and glacial erosional and depositional processes. Most of my NSF research grants have been for glacial geological field work on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic and in the American Cordillera. Also, I have published on the glacial and climate history of the mountainous areas of New England, Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, and stratovolcanoes in Washington state, including Mounts Baker and Rainier.
Website Content Contributions
Conference Presentation (1)
Geoscience module for meteorology curricula part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
Recent studies indicate that meteorologists lag Earth system scientists by 9-18% in accepting anthropogenic forcing of climate change (Maibach et al. 2014). This gap is 30% for broadcast meteorologists (Wilson ...