Miles Cahill
College of the Holy Cross
Workshop Participant, Website Contributor
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Setting up a Keynesian cross model in Excel part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
This Excel spreadsheet assignment brings students step-by-step through the process of solving and analyzing a Keynesian cross model. It is most appropriate for principles-level macroeconomics courses.
Other Contributions (6)
Estimating Okun's Law part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
This Principles or intermediate level macroeconomics Excel spreadsheet assignment shows students how to estimate the Okun's Law parameter and the potential GDP growth rate.
Using the Taylor rule to analyze monetary policy part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
This Excel spreadsheet exercise has students replicate the Taylor (1993) paper which first presented the Taylor rule for setting the federal funds monetary policy target. Students may then analyze recent monetary policy history.
Exploring the Solow balanced growth model part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
This Excel spreadsheet assignment bring students through a process of exploring numerical example of the Solow neoclassical balanced growth model. It is appropriate for use in macroeconomics courses at all levels, including intermediate, principles and electives.
What would GDP have been in 2009 if growth didn't slow down in the 1970s? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
This Excel spreadsheet assignment guides students through the process of projecting what GDP would have been for the years 1972-2009 if long run (potential) growth did not slow down.
Miles Cahill part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:About this Project:Project Participants
Associate Professor Department of Economics College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA 01610 Phone: 508.793.2682 Fax: 508.793.3710 Background Information Miles B. Cahill is an Associate ...
Teaching with Spreadsheets part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Spreadsheets
Created by Miles B. Cahill (College of the Holy Cross), with help from Humberto Barreto (Depauw University), Semra Kilic-Bahi (Colby-Sawyer College) and David Schodt (St. Olaf College). Significant material on ...
Workshop Participant