Scott Clark
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Writing annotations of five research articles throughout the semester part of Early Career:Previous Workshops:Workshop 2011:Teaching Activities
Pre-service elementary school teachers have a critical need to be aware of the importance of scientific literacy and the variety of Earth-science related alternative conceptions (AKA misconceptions) that their ...
Conference Presentation (1)
Phases of the moon: Exploring perceptions from around the globe and outer space part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2016:Program:Teaching Demonstrations:Tuesday B
Cream-filled, chocolate sandwich cookies, such as Oreo®, are a popular way to teach students about the phases of the moon, and numerous images and lesson plans are readily available online. However, activities ...
Other Contribution (1)
My non-linear path to a GER career part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2016:Program:Morning Workshops:GER:Idea Papers
Scott Clark, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire My path to Geoscience Education Research was rather circuitous. While pursuing my PhD in isotope geochemistry, I was fortunate to spend a year as a NSF GK-12 fellow. ...

North Central Section, Geoscience Education Research Division