Nathaniel Bogie
San Jose State University
<p class="MsoNormal">Nate Bogie is an assistant professor in the Geology Department at San José State University. Prior to entering academia, Nate worked as a geologist and scientist in the renewable energy, environmental, and water resources fields. At SJSU Nate teaches courses in hydrogeology and Human Development in the Natural World, where many sustainability topics are covered. During his PhD, Nate was part of the NSF Funded Partnership for International Research and Education (NSF PIRE) project in Senegal. His research demonstrated how the traditional practice of intercropping with deep rooted native shrubs in the West African Sahel can serve as pumps to transfer water from deep, moist soil layers to shallow-rooted food crops growing nearby during extreme drought. His other research, involves studying how deficit and drip irrigation and management of cover crops can affect crop growth, water use, groundwater recharge, and carbon cycling in California’s Central Valley. Nate’s work has taken him to Senegal, France, and the throughout the Western US. Nate will use the materials developed in association with SEI in his future courses at SJSU to further educate students about sustainability.