Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2022

March for Science Ideas

The 2018 March for Science took place on Saturday, April 14

Explore ideas for incorporating science activities as you march and get ideas for making the most out of your sign by promoting what's important to you, thereby sparking thoughts and conversations with others.

Science on the March

Contributed by Anne Egger, Central Washington University

The March provides an opportunity for us to showcase best practices in teaching and learning science while working with a large crowd. You can think of it as a really big lecture hall, and utilize interactive, data-rich activities and apps to engage this really large class.

Ideas for incorporating learning opportunities along the way:

  • Develop an interactive field trip for the March.
    Use the ShoMe app to develop an "enhanced reality" field trip that matches the route of the March, wherever you are. Depending on the location and route, it could include "stops" that focus on geology, natural history, hazards, the scientific enterprise, etc. Put QR codes on placards and flyers for people to scan at the beginning of the route to download the app and the tour. Have questions about the ShoMe app? Email Anne Egger at annegger at geology dot cwu dot edu.
  • Set up EarthCachesites along march route.
    Depending on the location and the route, EarthCache sites could include the geology of buildings, earthquake epicenters, underlying geology and surficial features, etc. The sites could be promoted on the Facebook page and with flyers at the beginning of the March.
  • Poll Everywhere questions along the route
    Have placards with Poll Everywhere questions along the route, and display the results in a booth at the end. These could be everything from "Have you ever been in an earthquake?" to "What's your favorite volcano?" to more specific questions to an area.
  • Determine your own seismic risk
    At a booth at the end of the March, help people determine their seismic risk and what they can do to prepare for a large earthquake. Introduce people to the app to show seismic hazard and risk for their house or other specific location. Provide information from the Great ShakeOut about how to prepare. Display real-time data from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network or USGS on current earthquakes. Use Poll Everywhere to ask questions like, "Do you know how to shut off the gas to your home in case of an earthquake?" or "Is your water heater strapped to the wall?

Sign Suggestions

Contributed by Don Haas, Paleontological Research Institution

If science saved your life, or the life of a loved one, say it. It's not geoscience, but it's personal and powerful. Use the other side of your sign for your geoscience message.

Share your scientific expertise, or invite discussion about it. One side of Don Duggan-Haas's sign will likely say, "Ask me about:" in large print at the top, followed by some subset of these bullets Ask me about:

  • My loved ones who've been saved by science
  • Climate change
  • Energy
  • Earth system science
  • Critical Zone science
  • The Paleontological Research Institution
  • The Museum of the Earth

Need ideas or have a creative sign to share?

Upload and share your signs on the NAGT March for Science Facebook Event page