Earth System Science Vocabularies Part VI:
Hot Topics In Science, In the News
Initial Publication Date: March 3, 2006
This domain is intended to be organic and dynamic-growing in response to community interest. The first registry is of "hot topics in science" those areas where really exciting advances are being made across all aspects of the Earth (and planetary) systems. The second registry is "hot topics in the news" those items that are expected to capture the imagination and interest of the general public. The following is a sampling of the type of special topics that might be identified for special classification in the DLESE cataloging system.
- Cause and variation of the Earth's magnetic field
- Tomographic imaging of the deep Earth
- Structure and origin of the continental lithosphere
- Mineral physics as an emerging field of study
- Geomicrobiology and Life in Extreme Environments
- Marine hydrothermal systems and vent communities
- Neotectonics
- Ultra-high pressure metamorphism and geodynamics
- Coupled bio-geochemical cycling
- Source and process of large igneous provinces
- "Snowball Earth"
- Plate Reconstructions
- Nature of and evidence for great extinctions
- Global Warming/Climate Change
Natural Hazards (with links to current events)- earthquakes (location, magnitude, human impacts)
- volcanic eruptions
- mass wasting floods
- wildfire
- tsunami
- drought
- natural contaminants (e.g. radon, selenium,?)
- sinkhole
- desertification
- deforestation
- engineering projects
channelization - urban issues
- environmental justice
- groundwater pollution
- land subsidence
- land use/zoning
- public health/epidemiology
- seawater intrusion
- environmental impacts of war
- nuclear waste disposal
- asbestos
- land fills
- agricultural practice and policy
- biodiversity
- endangered species
- human safety issues
- disease vectors
- mineral resources
non-metals - energy resources
fossil, oil, gas, coal
alternative or renewable
conservation (of energy) - water resources
ground water; aquifers
surface water; river systems
water quality
water quantity
water use practices - Soil Resources
Related to Oceans
- El Nino, La Nina, ENSO
- Fisheries-are the oceans dying?
- Extreme Weather Events
Hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms... - Global Warming/Climate Change
- Acid Rain
- Ozone Depletion
- Endangered species, extinction
Planetary/Near Space
- Space weather
- solar flares
- sun spots
- aurora