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August 18 EET PostWorkshop Survey
Exploring monsoon precipitation and streamflow in a semi-arid watershed
First Name:
Last Name:
Please enter your primary email address. The address you enter will serve as your unique identifier for workshop registration and payment purposes. Please use the same email address to identify yourself whenever you are prompted to supply it.
What is the date of the EET workshop you attended?
Which EET chapter was presented in the workshop you attended?
Briefly summarize what you learned about the EET tool and dataset of the chapter.
How will you implement some portion of the EET chapter in your teaching?
For example, will you use the case study or is there another way you would introduce students to the techniques of the chapter? In addition to the case study, what other applications of the chapter tool and dataset would you consider exploring with students?
What attracted you to come to this particular workshop?
What did you find most useful about today's workshop?
What did you find least useful about today's workshop?
Additional comments you would like to offer: