Observing Climate Change Implementation

« Investigating Climate Change Using Observed Temperature Data Discussion

Observing Climate Change Implementation  

Okay, I loved this idea but even with my AP Envionmental students there were a lot of glitches. Please read the implementation plan for changes. As a teacher I would have run an excel 2007 workshop so students would be able to graph with ease as they do not like to READ. Also I chose to complete it with different sites than what was on the lab. I will in the future have the .txt files for the students that I want them to have, this just took to long!

Great activity!

Amanda Rabatin


Implementation Plan (Microsoft Word 62kB Mar11 11)


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This is the student work on the data set for San Diego Ca and a Military base in Ca. It would be nice if they were in color, easier to see but we do not have color printing, so any questions that students answered really needed to be completed in the lab where they could distinguish between lines as they were very close to each other.



Student work (TIFF 247kB Mar11 11)


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My students also understood the chapter easily, but had questions about how to use Excel.

Our school has a temporary bypass on the internet filter -- you might consider asking your IT professional.


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« Investigating Climate Change Using Observed Temperature Data Discussion