Life in Extreme Environments from Jerry Price 1 of 2

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Life in Extreme Environments from Jerry Price 1 of 2  

Name: Mr. Jerry L. Price

Position and school: Earth-Space Science Teacher,
Environmental & Sustainable Science Teacher

Title of the EET Chapter on which you based your Project or Activity:
Life in Extreme Environments
Dataset(s) Used:
Ridge 2000 Data Portal
Oceanic Hydrothermal Vents > Global Vent Distribution - InterRidge
SST Datasets: AVHRR: 1985-1997 AQUA: MODIS: current

GeoMapApp Excel Powerpoint Ridge 2000 Data Portal

Project/Activity Question(s):
• Can Life survive in Extreme Environments
• (optional) Comparison of SST: 12 yr avg. vs. current
Project/Activity Goal(s):
• Navigate to hydrothermal vent locations around the world and access geospatial data from multiple sources
• Sort, select, edit, and view data in spreadsheet format
• Create a topographic profile of the ocean floor and measure size of various features
• Examine images from hydrothermal vent locations to make observations of species diversity and geologic features
• Develop and test hypotheses using observations and metadata
Brief Description of the Project/Activity (What did students do?):
• We will investigate the topography, biology, and geochemistry of an underwater rift zone, interpreting the observations and patterns that you discover. We will use GeoMapApp, a free visualization tool that provides access to high resolution topographic data of Earth's surface both on land and in its ocean basins. Produce topographic profiles of the ocean bottom and investigate bathymetry data to explore the structure of a spreading center. Next, read about and observe photographs of the various organisms living in and around hydrothermal vents fields. Then learn to import your own images and data into GeoMapApp. Last, import a prepared dataset of images and observations from the East Pacific Rise, testing hypotheses about the conditions that affect life in extreme environments including vent locations and biodiversity.
• Compare a 12yr avg. of Sea Surface Temperature vs. Current Values


Life in Extreme Environments from Jerry Price 1 of 2 (Microsoft Word 69kB Jun12 11)


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Life in Extreme Environments from Jerry Price 2 of 2


Life in Extreme Environments from Jerry Price 2 of 2 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 11.2MB Jun12 11)


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« Life in Extreme Environments Discussion