Jerry Price -- Cool Cores Capture Climate Change

« Cool Cores Capture Climate Change Discussion

Jerry Price -- Cool Cores Capture Climate Change  

Name: Mr. Jerry L. Price

Position and school: Earth-Space Science Teacher,
Environmental & Sustainable Science Teacher

Title of the EET Chapter on which you based your Project or Activity:
Cool Cores Capture Climate Change
Dataset(s) Used:
Sample core 201-212

Tool Used:

PSICAT ANDRILL animation Powerpoint

Project/Activity Question(s):
• How does climate change affect what can and cannot live in the Southern Ocean?
• How do ocean sediment cores record Earth's climate change history?
• How do scientists record and communicate the climatic events that are captured in the cores?
Project/Activity Goal(s):
• Describe how changes in Earth's climate alter ocean sediment layers;
• Analyze ocean sediment cores for evidence of cycles of climate change;
• Use the Paleontological Stratigraphic Interval Construction and Analysis Tool (PSICAT) program to create graphical models of ocean sediment core
• Use data from ocean sediment cores from Antarctica to tell a story about climate change throughout Earth's history


Jerry Price -- Cool Cores Capture Climate Change (Microsoft Word 66kB Jun10 11)


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2 of 2 Jerry Price -- Cool Cores Capture Climate Change (PowerPoint 3.3MB Jun10 11)


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This is an updated powerpoint presentation. The first one was very limited this one is much better


Second Draft of student power point presentation (PowerPoint 4.6MB Jun10 11)


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« Cool Cores Capture Climate Change Discussion