Implementation for Stephen Hall

« Cool Cores Capture Climate Change Discussion

Implementation for Stephen Hall  

I worked on the project last night and today showed it to some of my students. It's definitely going to take more than one class period. I will post the implementation template when I have finished presenting to all of my science students.


Power Point (PowerPoint 472kB Mar11 11)


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About dating rock sections: One of your slides indicates that radiometric "carbon" dating is used for estimating rock age. I was corrected in this in the previous chapter on rock cores in that the "carbon" isotope is only good for a few thousand years, not millions, but isotopes of other elements are used.


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Thank you


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I had hoped to attend next Monday's workshop. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend due to parent-teacher conferences. I did read through the EET chapter and it contained outstanding information. I also read all the rest of the chapters. I hope to participate in future online workshops.

I will follow the discussion thread after the workshop and hopefully pick up some valuable tips that way. Thank you for your help.


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I finished the project today.


Implementation Template (Microsoft Word 58kB Mar15 11)


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Stephen, I hope you don't mind but I used your powerpoint about a month ago in a room with a smart board at school so my kids could do the activity. I used it with freshman who are at about a 6th grade science level and the kids really liked it. I referenced you at the end.


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