Tamara Shapiro Ledley - Publications

Ledley, T.S., Secular Variation of Solar Zenith Angle: A Factor in Climatic Change?, Summer Fellowship in Scientific Computing, NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN 135+Proc, 117-137, 1979.

Ledley, T.S., Problems of Coupling Ice Sheet and Climate Models. Informal Workshop on Ice Sheet Modeling, 24 28 August 1981, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), 9-10, 1981.

Ledley, T.S., Sensitivities of Cryospheric Models to Insolation and Temperature Variations Using a Surface Energy Balance. Milankovitch and Climate, A.Berger, J.Imbrie, J.Hays, G.Kukla, and B.Saltzman (Eds.), Reidel Publishing Company, Holland, 581-597, 1984.

Ledley, T.S., Sensitivity of an Ice Sheet Model to Atmospheric Variables, Annals of Glaciology, 5, 212-213, 1984.

Ledley, T.S., Sensitivity of a Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model with Leads to Time Step Size. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, 2251-2260, 1985.

Ledley, T.S., Sea Ice: Multi Year Cycles and White Ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 90, 5676 5686, 1985. 

Ledley, T.S., Reply. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 2669-2670, 1986. (Reply to "Comment on 'Sea Ice: Multiyear Cycles and White Ice' by T.S. Ledley" by N. Untersteiner, Journal of Geophysical Res., 91, 2667-2668, 1986.) 

Ledley, T.S. and S.L. Thompson, Potential Effects of Nuclear War Smokefall on Sea Ice. Climatic Change, 8, 155-171, 1986. 

Ledley, T.S., Development of a New Sea Ice Growth and Lead Parameterization. Climate Dynamics, 2, 91-100, 1987. 

Ledley, T.S., Rice University's Earth Systems Institute, Earth Quest, 2, 10, 1988. Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, Preprint Volume of the Seventh Conference on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction, Anaheim, California, 129-131, 1988. 

Ledley, T.S., For a Lead Temperature Feedback in Climatic Variation. Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 36-39, 1988. 

Ledley, T.S., A Wandering Gondawanaland's Impact on Summer Temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters , 15, 1397-1400, 1988. 

Ledley, T.S., A Coupled Energy Balance Climate Sea Ice Model: Impact of Sea Ice and Leads on Climate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93, 15,919-15,932, 1988. 

Ledley, T.S., The Warming Effect of Meridional Sea Ice Transport on Climate. Sea Ice Properties and Processes, Proceedings of the W. F. Weeks Sea Ice Symposium, Stephen F. Ackley and Wilford F. Weeks, Editors, CRREL Monograph 90-1, 256-258, 1990. 

Ledley, T.S., Meridional Sea Ice Transport and Its Impact on Climate, Annals of Glaciology, 14, 141-143, 1990. 

Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations on Sea Ice and Air Temperature in a Coupled Energy Balance Climate - Sea Ice Model, Annals of Glaciology, 14, 144-147, 1990. 

Ledley, T.S., The Climatic Response to Meridional Sea Ice Transport, Journal of Climate, 4, 147-163, 1991. 

Ledley, T.S., Snow on Sea Ice: Competing Effects in Shaping Climate, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, 17,195-17,208, 1991. 

Ledley, T.S., A Modeling Study of the Role of Snow on Sea Ice in Producing Interannual Climate Variations, Preprint Volume of the Fifth Conference on Climate Variations, Denver, CO, 323-326, 1991. 

Ledley, T.S., The Impact of Snow and Sea Ice Variations on Global Climate Change, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Role of the Polar Regions in Global Change, Editors G. Weller, C.L. Wilson, and B.A.B. Severin, University of Alaska, 321-324, 1992. 

Ledley, T.S. and S. Chu, Can Greenhouse Warming Induce Ice Sheet Growth?, Proceedings from the Fourth Symposium on Global Change Studies, Anaheim, California, 272-274, 1993. 

Ledley, T.S., Variations in Snow on Sea Ice: A Mechanism for Producing Climate Variations", Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 10,401-10,410, 1993. 

Ledley, T.S., Sea Ice: A Factor in Influencing Climate on Short and Long Time Scales, Ice in the Climate System, W. Richard Peltier, editor, NATO ASI Series, Vol I 12, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 533-556, 1993. 

Ledley, T.S. and S. Chu, Global Warming and the Growth of Ice Sheets, Climate Dynamics, 9, 213-219, 1994. 

Ledley, T.S., and F.D. Ledley, A Multicompartment Numerical Model for the Pharmakinetics of Gene Therapy, Human Gene Therapy, 5, 679-691,1994. 

Chu, S. and T.S. Ledley, A Hydrologic Cycle Parameterization for Energy Balance Climate Models, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 100, 16,289-16,303, 1995. 

Ledley, T.S., Summer Solstice Solar Radiation, the 100 KYR Ice Age Cycle, and the Next Ice Age, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 2745-2748, 1995. 

Ledley, T.S. and S. Chu, The Initiation of Ice Sheet Growth, Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations, and the 100 KYR Ice Age Cycle, Climate Dynamics, 11, 439-445, 1995. 

Ledley, T.S. and S. Chu, The Initiation of Ice Sheet Growth, Milakovitch Solar Radiation Variations, and the 100 KYR Ice Age Cycle, Proceedings of the Conference on the Dynamics of the Arctic Climate System, Goteborg, Sweden, Nov 7-10, 1994, World Climate Research Program, 125-129, 1996. 

Bettison-Varga, L., R. Berger, J. Creasy, D. Dyar, P. Knight, T.S. Ledley, D. McManus, How Should We Integrate Research and Education?, Shaping the Future of Undergraduate Earth Science Education, editors: M.F.W. Ireton, C.A. Manduca, D.W. Mogk, proceedings of a the workshop Spheres of Influence: Shaping the Future of Earth Science Education, American Geophysical Union, National Science Foundation and the Keck Geology Consortium, 29-32, 1997. 

Steen, R.S. and T. S. Ledley, Asynchronously Coupling the Cryosphere and Atmosphere in an Energy Balance Climate Model, Annals of Glaciology, 25, 159-164, 1997. Ledley, T.S. and S. Pfirman, Sediment-Laden Snow and Sea Ice in the Arctic and Its Impact on Climate, Climatic Change, 37, 641-664, 1997. 

Ledley, T.S. and Z. Huang, A Possible ENSO Signal in the Ross Sea, GRL, 24, 3253-3256, 1997. 

Ledley, F.D, and T.S. Ledley, Pharmacokinetic Considerations in Somatic Gene Therapy, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 30, 133-150, 1998. 

Ledley, T.S., E.T. Sundquist, S.E. Schwartz, D.K. Hall, T.L. Killeen, and J.D. Fellows, Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases, EOS, 80, 453-454 & 457-458, 1999, https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/99EO00325

Ledley, T.S. Facilitating the Development of Meaningful Student and Scientist Partnerships, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual GLOBE Conference, Blaine, Washington, July 22-27, 2001, 305-311, 2001. 

Barstow, D., L. Dahlman, T.S. Ledley, and J. Loomis, Exploring Earth Internet Investigations Guide, McDougal Littell, Evanston Illinois, 2002 (ISBN 0-618-19222-0) 

Barstow, Daniel, N. Haddad, and T.S. Ledley, Guide to Earth Science in Urban Environments, McDougal Littell, Evanston, IL, 2002 (ISBN 0-608-19221-2) 

Barstow, D., L. Dahlman, T.S. Ledley, and J. Loomis, et. al., Earth Science Visualizations CD-ROM, McDougal Littell, Evanston, IL, 2002 (ISBN 0-618-16400-6) 

Ledley, T.S., Energy Balance Model: Surface, Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 747-754, 2003. 

Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J. Lockwood, D. Brooks, Developing Meaningful Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships, Journal of Geoscience Education, 51, 91-95, 2003. 

Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, J. Lockwood, D. Brooks, Involving Students in Authentic Research Through Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships, 12th Symposium on Education, Combined Preprints CD-ROM 83rd AMS Annual Meeting, 9-13 February 2003, Long Beach, CA, 2003.

Ledley, T.S., and J. Allen, Exploring the Connections, Earth as a System Investigation of the GLOBE Teachers Guide, 2003.

Ledley, T.S., Editor, Earth as a System Investigation of the GLOBE Teachers Guide

Ledley, T.S., Broadening DLESE: Outcomes of the 2003 DLESE Annual Meeting - Executive Summary, http://www.dlese.org/documents/reports/meeting/AM2003/Outcomes_execsum.pdf, 18pp, 2004. 

Ledley, T.S., Broadening DLESE: Outcomes of the 2003 DLESE Annual Meeting - Detailed Strand Summaries, http://www.dlese.org/documents/reports/meeting/AM2003/Outcomes_full.pdf, 73pp, 2004. 

Haddad, N., TS Ledley, Using GLOBE Data to Study the Earth System, Earth Exploration Toolbook, http://serc.carleton.edu/eet/globe/index.html, February 2004. 

Ledley, T.S., The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE), Focus on Earth Science; NSDL as a Research Tool, Project Kaleidoscope Volume IV: What Works, What Matters, What Lasts, August 27, 2004. 

Ledley, T.S., C. McAuliffe, L. Dahlman, Earth Exploration Toolbook: Educational Uses of Earth System Science Datasets and Tools, Focus on Earth Science; NSDL as a Research Tool, Project Kaleidoscope Volume IV: What Works, What Matters, What Lasts, August 27, 2004. 

Piccirilli, K., L. Dahlman, TS Ledley, Analyzing the Antarctic Ozone Hole, Earth Exploration Toolbook, http://serc.carleton.edu/eet/ozonehole/index.html , November, 8, 2004. 

Ledley, T.S., L Dahlman, B. Domenico, and M.R. Taber, "Facilitating the Effective Use of Earth Science Data in Education through Digital Libraries: Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Educators" Proceedings of the 5th Annual Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Digital Libraries: Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education, Sumner and Shipman, Program Chairs, Denver, CO, 386, June 7-11, 2005. 

Ledley, TS, A Buss, L Dahlman, CB Meyer, "ESIP Federation: Supplying Earth Observation Data to GIS Education", 2005 ESRI Education User Conference Proceedings CD, July 25-29, 2005, San Deigo, California. 

Taber, M. and TS Ledley, "Report on RIDGE 2000 (R2K) Open Data Exchange System (RODES) Education Workshop", Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, July 21-23, 2004. 

Ledley, T.S., L Dahlman, B. Domenico, and M.R. Taber, "Facilitating the Effective Use of Earth Science Data in Education through Digital Libraries: Bridging the Gap between Scientists and Educators" , IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries Bulletin, volume 2, issues 1, 2005. 

Ledley, T.S., L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, The Earth Exploration Toolbook: Facilitating Access to Scientific Data and Tools, Journal of Geoscience Education, 54 n.3, 223-229, 2006. 

Haddad, N., and TS. Ledley, "Earth Exploration Toolbook", Hands On!, 30, n 1, 18-19, 2007.

Ledley, T.S., A. Prakash, C.A. Manduca, and S. Fox, "Recommendations for Making Geoscience Data Accessible and Usable in Education" EOS, v89, n32, p291, August 5, 2008, (DOI: 10.1029/2008EO2003) https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2008EO320003.

Youngman, E., M. Chandler, L Sohl, M Hafen, TS Ledley, S Ackerman, S Kluge, Envisioning Climate Change Using a Global Climate Model, Earth Exploration Toolbook,http://serc.carleton.edu/eet/envisioningclimatechange, January 25, 2010.

Ledley, T.S, L. Dahlman, C. McAuliffe, N. Haddad, M. Taber, B. Domenico, S. Lynds, M. Grogan, Making Earth Science Data Accessible and Usable in Education, Science, vol 333 no. 6051 pp1838-1839, DOI: 10.1126/science.1199348, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6051/1838.summary, September 30, 2011.

Ledley, T.S, M.R. Taber, S. Lynds, B. Domenico, L. Dahlman, A Model for Enabling an Effective Outcome-Oriented Communication Between the Scientific and Educational Communities, Journal of Geoscience Education, v.60, no. 3, pp 257-267, doi: 10.5408/11-234.1, August 2012.

Taber, M.R., T.S. Ledley, S. Lynds, B. Domenico, L. Dahlman, Geoscience Data for Educational Use: Recommendations from Scientific/Technical and Educational Communities, Journal of Geoscience Education, v 60, no. 3, pp249-256, doi: 10.5408/12-297.1, August 2012.

Ledley, T.S., N. Haddad, E Bardar, K. Ellins, K. McNeal, J. Libarkin, EarthLabs – An Earth System Science Laboratory Module to Facilitate Teaching About Climate Change, The Earth Scientist, v.28, n.3, p19-24, September 2012.

Gold, Anne U., T.S. Ledley, S.M Buhr, S. Fox, M. McCaffrey, F. Niepold, S. Lynds, Peer-Review of Digital Educational Resources: A Rigorous Review Process Developed by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), Journal of Geoscience Education, v.60, 295-308, http://dx.doi.org/10.5408/12-324.1, 2012.

Ledley, T.S., Promoting Climate Literacy, Public Gardens, Journal of the American Public Garden Association, v.27, 39-40, Summer/Fall 2012.

Ledley, TS, E Bardar, N Haddad, EarthLabs – StudentCentered Labs to Engage High School Students, In the Trenches, vol 3, no 3, pages 1-2, July 2013.

Ledley, T.S, A.U. Gold, F. Niepold, M. McCaffrey, Moving Toward Collective Impact in Climate Change Literacy – The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), Journal of Geoscience Education, vol 62, No. 3, pp. 307-318, Sept 2014, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5408/13-057.1.

Ellins, K.K, T.S. Ledley, N. Haddad, K. McNeal, A. Gold, S. Lynds, J. Libarkin, EarthLabs: Supporting Teacher Professional Development to Facilitate Effective Teaching of Climate Science, Journal of Geoscience Education, vol 62, No. 3, pp. 330-342, Sept 2014, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5408/13-059.1.

Ledley, T.S., A.U. Gold, F. Niepold, Enabling Climate and Energy Literacy – A Shared Effort, Eos, v95, 36, 325-326, September 2014, DOI: 10.1002/2014EO360002.

Kirk, K, S.B. Sullivan, A.U. Gold, T.S. Ledley, C.A. Manduca, D. Mogk, K. Wiese, Undergraduate Climate Education: Motivations, Strategies, Successes, and Support, Journal of Geoscience Education, vol 62, No. 4, pp. 538-549, November 2014, doi: 10.5408/13-054, http://nagt-jge.org/doi/full/10.5408/13-054.

McNeal, K, J.C. Libarkin, T.S. Ledley, E. Bardar, N. Haddad, K. Ellins, S. Dutta, The Role of Research in On-line Curriculum Development: The Case of EarthLabs Climate Change and Earth System Modules, Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No 4, pp. 560-577, November 2014, doi: 10.5408/13-060.1, http://nagt-jge.org/doi/full/10.5408/13-060.1.

Sullivan, S., T.S. Ledley, S. Lynds, Navigating Climate Science in the Classroom: Teacher Preparation, Perceptions and Practices, Journal of Geoscience Education, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 550-559, November 2014, doi: 10.5408/12-304.1.

Gold, A.U, T.S. Ledley, S.B. Sullivan, K.B. Kirk, M. Grogan, Supporting Energy Education Online: Climate Literacy And Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN), The Journal of Sustainability Education, January 2015.

Ledley, T.S., J. Rooney-Varga, F. Niepold, Addressing Climate Change Through Education, Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Oxford University Press, 2017, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.56.

McNeal, K.S., J.C. Libarkin, T.S. Ledley, K. Ellins, EarthLabs: A Model for Supporting Undergradaute Student Inquiry about Change over Time and Space, Chapter 42 in Active Learning in College Science, The Case for Evidence-Based Practice, Joel J. Mintzes and Emily M. Walter, Editors, Springer Nature, Publishers. 683-696, April 2020.

Molthan-Hill P., Blaj-Ward L., Mbah M.F., Ledley T.S. (2021) Climate Change Education at Universities: Relevance and Strategies for Every Discipline. In: Lackner M., Sajjadi B., Chen WY. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6431-0_153-1.

Molthan-Hill, P., Ledley, T.S., Blaj-Ward, L., Mbah, M.F. (2024). Climate Change Education at Universities: Relevance and Strategies for Every Discipline. In: Lackner, M., Sajjadi, B., Chen, WY. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4614-6431-0_153-2