Tamara Shapiro Ledley - Lay Presentations and Community Activities
Lay Presentations
College‑Career Day at the C.E. King High School, Sheldon Independent School District, April 4, 1985.
"Ozone Hole Over Antarctica", Boone Elementary School, March 6, 1987.
"Weather and Climate", Summer Institute for Elementary School Teachers, July 14, 1989.
"Global Warming", Chinquapin School, January 29, 1990.
"Global Warming", National Council of Jewish Women, Career Branch, February 20, 1990.
"Weather", Teacher Training in the Observational Sciences at the George Observatory Program, June 28, 1990.
"The Atmosphere", Indian Princesses Father-Daughter group, January 11, 1991.
"Weather and Climate", Teacher Training in the Observational Sciences at the George Observatory Program, June 13, 1991.
"Weather and Climate", Teacher Training in the Observational Sciences at the George Observatory Program, June 1992.
"Global Climate Change" MIT Doers Club, April 15, 1992.
"The Observational Sciences and Education", Houston Chapter of the American Meteorological Society, August 25, 1992.
"Global Warming: Is It Happening?", ASHRE Annual Presidents Meeting, September 22, 1992.
"Global Climate Change", Houston Junior Forum, March 31, 1993.
"Global Climate Change", Hampton at Post Oak, April 27, 1993.
"Global Warming: Is It Happening?", Downtown Lions Club - Houston, March 22, 1994.
"The May 10, 1994 Annular Solar Eclipse", Irvin M. Shlenker School, May 10, 1994.
"The Public Internet Connection", Business Women's Forum of the Woodlands, April 11, 1995.
"WeatherNet 2 and the Public Connection to the Internet", Bondy Intermediate School, October 23, 1995.
Attended Workshop on the Use of AWS Weather Stations in Austin Texas and presented Public Connections Software, January 23, 1996
"What Is Weather?" First Grade class at David Elementary School, January 24, 1996.
Speaker on "Hurricanes, Tornados, and Weather", Third Grade class at David Elementary School, March 27, 1996.
"Weather, Climate, and the Information Superhighway", Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science Conference for Young Women Grades 6-8, Their Teachers, Parents and Counselors, sponsored by the American Association of University Women, April 13, 1996.
"Weather", Girl Scout Troop 3359, Needham, MA, January 10, 1997, April 4 & 18, 1997.
"Atmospheres of the Planets in Our Solar System", 3rd Grade, The Rashi School, November 1997.
"El Nino and Earth Systems Science", 11th grade, Needham High School, Jan 8-20, 1998.
"What is El Nino", 5th Grade, Newman Elementary School, Needham MA, and 2nd Grade, The Rashi School, Needham, MA, March 13, 1998.
"Solar Eclipses", 6th Grade, Pollard Middle School, Needham MA, March 1999.
"Hurricanes and Global Warming", Center for Science Teaching and Learning retreat, TERC, Cambridge, MA, September 30, 2005.
"Iceland – Geology, Climate, and Environment", DataTools Middle and High School Teachers, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, July 15, 2008.
"Experiences Photographing Solar Eclipses on Land and Sea", aboard Silversea's Silver Discoverer in the Federated States of Micronesia, presented March 8, 2016.
"Total Solar Eclipse in the South Pacific, February 20-March 17, 2016", TERC, Cambridge, MA, June 27, 2016.
"Viewing and Photographing Solar Eclipses", Blue Hill Observatory, Milton MA and Harvard University, Cambridge MA, August 8, 2017.
Other Community Activities
Special Judge for the Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, March 12 1985.
Judge for the Southeast Texas Region High School Debates, Spring 1986.
Guest Expert on "The Global Environment" for the Great Decisions '88 political discussion group, June 22, 1988.
Judge for the Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, March 30, 1990.
Judge for the Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, March 22, 1991.
Judge for the Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, April 3, 1992.
Presented viewing of the May 10, 1994 annual solar eclipse to the students of the Irvin M Shlenker School (K-5).
Judge for the Houston Area Science and Engineering Fair, March 31, 1995.
Speaker at Workshop for Middle School Science Teachers in the Houston Metropolitan Area on How to Use the Weather Station Network and to Demonstrate the Public Connection Project Software, Bondy Intermediate School, October 23, 1995.
Judge for the Massachusetts State Science and Engineering Fair – High School Level, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 2011.